Friday, May 30, 2008

Let's go to the Zoo! There's lots to see and do :)

Sunday morning Paul and I were cleaning up the kitchen mess and I mentioned it would be a great day for the zoo. We had a wonderful cool front blow through and our temps were only in the upper 70's and low 80's. Totally unusual for us this time of year. He immediately said yes which really surprised. On weekends we always try to stick around the house and "get things done". I think he knew I could use some time out of the house as well as the kids.

It was a perfect day. It had been raining the last 2 days but Sunday was sunny and clear. The animals were amazing. So many of them were right next to the fences. I think they were really enjoying the fresh cool air too. We were able to get some really cute pics.


Wendy's Blog said...

you can never go wrong at the zoo. hope you had fun. check my blog out and hope to hear from you soon.

Wendy said...

Here's another comment from a Wendy! lol

I'm on the MFW blogroll and thought I'd go through and check out everyone's blog. Also wanted to share my DVD giveaway currently running on my site. The sponsor has graciously agreed to give one of my reader's the complete Braincandy series! It's wonderful. Hope you'll enter!

Love the photos of the zoo! We have never gone to the zoo with the kids, but have done Animal Kingdom and an aquarium.