Monday, March 3, 2008

Halfway thru day 1

and all is going well. We just got home from Park Day where we blew around the park for about 30 minutes. We finally decided that the wind won and we would go home and catch a movie. Paul and I just couldn't take the chance of anyone getting any kind of sickness. So we got to spend a few extra minutes just hanging out together before he went back to work. It's crazy how precious time has quicky become. So often we would just waisted time together, me on the computer him watching t.v. Now we just want to savor those moments together. I love the fact that after 12 years I still feel like that 17 year old totally in love when he holds my hand. Ok, back to school and laundry and all those super fun things. Hope you have a great day! Smiles

Sunday, March 2, 2008

90 days = a better US!

Over the last 3 years our family has been thru a lot....a lot for us anyway. We had a major financial situation that was incredibly stressful. We seriously contemplated a move to California which was only a state away but would have been life changing for us. We were carried through the loss of our little boy, Carter. We again contemplated a move to a nearby city due to schools. We were led to homeschool our children. Paul's mom was diagnosed with Alzheimers and moved to an assited living facility We then welcomed our newest addition as a preemie by 6 weeks. We have recently spent nearly the last 2 months with a house full of sickies. I'm sure loads of little things were sandwiched in there as well.

So needless to say, Paul and I have not always been on our "A" game over these 3 years. Lots of things in our life have seemed to spin out of control. The house cleaning, our relationship, the discipline of ourselves and our children, school has suffered to a degree as well and Paul's job has been a struggle. We are tired. I know there are people dealing with much worse but this is what has been on our plates.

2 weeks ago Paul was informed from hum...boss that he will be returning to the center for 90 days. He has been working from home the past 6 years or so. This was devistating to our family. Paul being the only driver is a huge help to our family during the day. It would have been nice if his boss had had a small amount of compassion...but she didn't....not even in the least.

So we are taking these very sour lemons and making some delicous lemonade! We are creating a campaign around our house for "90 days to a better you, a better me and a better us" Either way we are going to go through these 90 days so why not make the most of them. Each person in our family (with the exception of Preston) has some areas that need improvemt. So that's what we are going to do and in 90 days we will be healthier. happier and a little more holy.