Thursday, January 25, 2007

I NEED to scrap

It has been weeks so I have done any scrapping be it paper or digital. Hopefully today will be my break through. It seems like the weeks are just flying by anymore. So I thought I would post an older layout of our Toribug. So hard to believe she will be 8 soon. WOW!

Today is the girls first day of PE at the park. They are so excited to meet their new coach and fellow homeschool friends. I hope they have a great time.

Last night I felt my first "real" kick from baby "E". I was laying down listening with the doppler. It's really cute right now because you can hear "E" wiggling around in there. I was so intent on listening and then there was this big kick. It totally startled me. I think "E" had enough of the doppler at that point. It was really cute and reassuring as I never really felt our little Carter kick at all. Then I felt a few little kicks this morning too. I can't wait for the kids to start feeling them too. :)

Hope you have a super day, Heidi

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Sweet 16

I was 12 years old when my nephew, Jeffrey, was born. I was the baby of the family so this was the first baby I was able to spend time with on a regular basis. I might as well rat myself out now before he does about something. When he was about a week and a half old I thought I had broke him. :( I was changing his diaper and his cord fell off. I felt terrible. I mean someone could have warned me that could happen. :) I was reassured that everything was fine and I felt much better. I love him so much. Jeffrey and I share the same sad sense of humor and he loves to laugh. Jeffrey has always felt much more like a little brother to me than a nephew. We also tend to fight like brother and sister too. Now he is taller than I am so he can take me down a little easier. LOL

Anyway, Happy Birthday buddy! I hope this year is your best year yet. I love you, Heidi

Monday, January 22, 2007

Jac is reading....... yahoooo

My goal for homeschooling Jac was to have her reading by the end of the year and by george she's got it. I am just amazed. Even though I spend everyday with her, it blows me away how much she has learned. She is just starting with the easy readers but she is well on her way. She is so proud to be reading along with her big sis.

School is going really well right now too. It sure has taken a lot of getting used to. It's fun and exciting and challenging and draining. I am still trying to decide which programs to use next year so if you get a chance please pray for guidance for me in this area. This year we did a box program that was all inclusive. Great for a newbie like me but next year I am looking for a little more structure than what we had this year.

Speaking of school, I am off to give Victoria her math test and Jac gets 5 new sight words. Have a great day!!!!

PS The pic is one of Jac from the summer daydreaming at Nana's. I thought this was a great pic for entering the world of reading. WOW

Sunday, January 21, 2007

11 days to go :)

11 days until we find out if we are going to round out our family with a little girl or little boy. It's been so long since I have been able to buy little girly baby clothes but having boys is wonderful beyond my dreams so either is fine........I just want to know!!!!!
Right now I have Turner and Hootch on in the background. That is such a cute movie. Gotta love him with those droopy cheeks and pouty eyes. Not my favorite movie but still a good one. Which brings me to what would be my fav movie.................hhhhmmmmmmmmmm.............there are several that I like but my all time fav would probably be Shawshenk Redemption. Normally those are not the movies I love to see but I have always loved that one. Morgan Freeman is such a fantastic actor too.
I sure do enjoy Sundays. It's so nice to have a fresh start to the week. I am not even behind on anything yet. LOL But I will be if I don't get my grocery list done soon. :) Ugggg

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

7 am and........

I am dressed, hair done and make up applied. This has to be a good day right? I am not really a morning person at all. I enjoy lounging around as long as I can but today I made myself get up and get going. It feels great. My pj's will miss me today but that's ok. :)
I have to tell you about this show I watched last night. Now, first I have to say I feel that I am pretty busy with 4 kids and being pregnant. Well, last night was a show on TLC about a family with...........are you ready for this......................................16 kids. HOLY MOLY! It was amazing to watch how smooth their days ran though. The Mom totally has things under control and the kids seemed to be great kids. They range in age from maybe 5 to older 20's. They all live at home too. The Dad and a few of the boys built their house all on their own. It's so pretty on a huge piece of land. They have 6 bedroom and 8 bathrooms. Wow, it was really cool to watch. She also homeschools them all. In all 16 children only 1 is a girl. Can you imagine when she goes on her first date. LOL

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday. Make the most of it. :)

Sunday, January 14, 2007


It's pretty crazy to think that it's barely into the 2nd semester at school and already we are looking onward to next fall. I am planning on choosing another program to go with for the girls next for homeschooling. Last year we waited to long to decide that once we know we wanted to homeschool I had to hurry and pick a program. The one we used was ok. I guess for this year I am looking for something a little more structured.
There are just so many options out there. It's always hard when it comes to your kids because you want to give them the best you can and sometimes it just overwhelming. The girls love being homeschooled but being the parent I know there are compromises on both sides. There are huge pros for both public school and homeschool. I guess tonight I am just tired and overwhelmed.
This week 2 big things are happening. Paul is taking over our small group from church. I am so proud of him and I think this is going to be a huge growing experience for both of us. Also, this will be our first week hosting at our house. EEEEKK. I am so excited but my house really needs some TLC. or CAB-which are the initials of my beautiful sister who always has a beautifully clean house. Maybe after she reads this she will come help me. :0)

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


I love a new year. It's so nice having a fresh start. It is such a great feeling. This year my goal is simple, have an attitude of grattitude. It was a sermon we heard this last weekend and it just clicked for me. I can be pretty negative at times but deep down that's not who I am happy to be. I let little things get under my skin way too much. So, this year I am going to try my best to be more thankful and I think it will flood into all areas of my life. I am affecting 6 lives, including my own, everyday with the things I say and do. What a great oppertunity to impact those who I am closest too. I have so much to be thankful for and much less to pout about. Hope you have a wonderful day!