Friday, May 30, 2008

Let's go to the Zoo! There's lots to see and do :)

Sunday morning Paul and I were cleaning up the kitchen mess and I mentioned it would be a great day for the zoo. We had a wonderful cool front blow through and our temps were only in the upper 70's and low 80's. Totally unusual for us this time of year. He immediately said yes which really surprised. On weekends we always try to stick around the house and "get things done". I think he knew I could use some time out of the house as well as the kids.

It was a perfect day. It had been raining the last 2 days but Sunday was sunny and clear. The animals were amazing. So many of them were right next to the fences. I think they were really enjoying the fresh cool air too. We were able to get some really cute pics.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Every day seems to be filled with choices. From the time I open my eyes in the morning until I tiredly close them at night, the amount of choices made is incredible. There are some choices that seem win win no matter what. Like sitting in the drive thru at Dairy Queen choosing between a Snickers' or M&M blizard. I mean seriously, there are no losers here. :) Other times it seems no matter which way you toss the coin, you're bound to lose.

This week I had to make the choice between having a surgical D&C to remove what was to have been our beloved Christmas baby or I can wait to naturally miscarry. On Friday we went in for our 8 week ultrasound. Our laughing and joking of how many babies would there be this time was quickly silenced by a very blank screen. I could feel my heart get heavy and my words though on the edge of my lips could not be spoken. My heart was crying out "not again, please not again". I knew what I was seeing but also knew I needed to ask to be sure. Oh how I didn't want to have to speak those words in fear of hearing the answer.
"It's not right is it?" I asked.
"No, when did you get your positive pregnancy test?"
"4 weeks ago"
"There is no baby. There is a yolk sac for the baby but that is all. I'm so sorry.:

My doctor started talking about why this happens but my head was spinning. It's like I could feel myself in that very moment when we knew we had lost Carter. A scenario so similar to this but so different. That feeling like you are watching someone else's nightmare unfold right before your eyes. So surreal.

So I was sent off for bloodwork which was to be followed up on Tuesday. Paul had already taken Friday as a vacation day to make a funfilled 4 day weekend. Tuesday seemes to be 48 hours long. Waiting and waiting for the phone call to give us the news we were dreading. Finally the call came and the news was not good. My HCG Friday was 14,XXX and Tuesday was 18,XXX. They should have at least doubled in that amount of time. I was heartbroken and numb.

I told the nurse that while my numbers are not what they should be, with them increasing at all I cannot go through with a D&C. So now I will have repeat bloodwork done next Tuesday and follow up with my dr. then. Where this road will lead, only God knows.

So now I am making the choice to trust. It's not only all I can do it's the best I can do. I can trust in the Lord with ALL of my HEART and lean NOT on my OWN understanding. Proverbs 3:5

I have always loved that verse and have sang it to myself in various situations in my life. Never has that verse been so real to me as it is now. As each day goes by I just pray for strength. Sometimes I let my head run away with thoughts of why. Why even let me get pregnancy if this was going to be the outcome? Why? Why? But, I am chosing to trust. In this life this may never ever make sense to me. I am just so blessed to be a child of God in the stormiest of days.