Thursday, March 8, 2007

It's a jungle in HERE

So we made the big switch and put the boys together this week. It's so funny to hear these two little voices chattering away at night. They seem to really enjoy being together. Now we are starting to prep the nursery for Preston. We purchased most of the items when I was pg with Carter so now all we need are the little touches. I am a little stuck on what to do with the green wall on the right. Any ideas??? I bought the matching wallpaper border to embelish a few things in the room like the ceiling fan blades and what not. It is a work in progress and I'll update as we go along. We are almost done with the entire house and I am so happy. It's been a lot of work, a lot of fun and LOTS of paint. :)

Friday, March 2, 2007


I love Firdays!!! I am so glad every week has one. :) Today we are off to run a few errands. I love getting any shopping before the weekenders hit. I am not a big fan of crowds especially when we have 4 little ones in tow. I am hoping to find a couple cute outfits, a trip to Joanns to grab some card making stuff and the book store to grab this really cool book called "Managers of their Households". It's a book that helps you figure out what are your most important priorites around the house and then making time to get everything done. I love organization. The downside to that is if I feel unorganized I feel very unproductive. We are also going to work on chore lists and an allowance and this should help with that as well. A lot of little arrands but will feel so great when they are all done!!! YAHHHOOO