Saturday, May 26, 2007

Just a great day

So today I had my first official outting(other than the daily trips to see P) and I got to go to Target. It was about a 30 minute trip and that was enough for me. I wanted to "borrow" Heidi Swapp's very cool craft idea for entertaining the kids through summer. The girls are having a ball with the new crayons and markers and what not. Then we took it a step farther and put a clear plastic table cloth over the entire table to protect it while the kids are coloring. Then when they are done they can slide their pic under it and TADA we have a kitchen table adorned with beautiful pics from our favorite artists. :)

Then Paul and I went to see Preston. It was amazing. He was wide awake when we got there. He was waving his arms around and sucking on his hands. He seemed so "normal" today. He took the first part of his bottle and then finished the rest through his tube. He even gave us a few little cries. What a precious sound that was for us. We haven't heard him cry since the first few minutes after he was born. He is really doing well and hopefully we will soon be a party of 7 at home.

Here is a cute little pic his Daddy took. Please continue to keep out little guy in your prayers. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

6th baby and I feel like a ROOKIE????

Our newest addition quickly made his way into the world on Friday May 18th. We got to the hospital around 1pm and by 6 pm he was being delivered via c-section(my first). He was 34 weeks to the day. He was taken directly to the nicu where he still remains. Everyday he hits a new milestone. At this point we are dealing with a little jaundice and he has a tube in his nose for eating. He does about half of his feedings through a bottle and the rest through the tube. We are hoping and praying that he comes home very soon. He is doing fantastic and was just a little early to have to deal with breathing, eating, swallowing and everything at once. Please keep our little Preston Lee in your prayers!

Preston Lee

born May 18th

weighing 5lbs 3oz

18.5 inches long
