Thursday, May 24, 2007

6th baby and I feel like a ROOKIE????

Our newest addition quickly made his way into the world on Friday May 18th. We got to the hospital around 1pm and by 6 pm he was being delivered via c-section(my first). He was 34 weeks to the day. He was taken directly to the nicu where he still remains. Everyday he hits a new milestone. At this point we are dealing with a little jaundice and he has a tube in his nose for eating. He does about half of his feedings through a bottle and the rest through the tube. We are hoping and praying that he comes home very soon. He is doing fantastic and was just a little early to have to deal with breathing, eating, swallowing and everything at once. Please keep our little Preston Lee in your prayers!

Preston Lee

born May 18th

weighing 5lbs 3oz

18.5 inches long


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