Friday, December 8, 2006

Chirstmas Cards and a little freak show

I have my cards all made and printed now just to work on the letter, get them addressed and mailed! YYAAAYYY
So we had our 2nd appt for Baby-E. I hadn't been feeling good at all that day. Just really worried that something was wrong. So by the time I got in to see the dr. my blood pressure was really high, my heart was racing and I was a wreck. He did the u/s and Baby-E is perfect, already waving these tiny little arms aroud. I think trying to tell me "Hey Mom, I'm ok in here'. At our first u/s we measured a week behind and this time right on target. What a relief. It is truly amazing how much you can love someone beofr even meeting them.
So this weekend is get orgainzed at the White House. The kids closets are such a mess and really need some work. I am my happiest when everything is put in it's place. Let me tell ya with 4 little ones that is a rare day!
Have a great weekend, Heidi


Missy Glave said...

Heidi ... LOVE your Christmas card. Your little ones are precious! So glad to hear that Baby E is doing really well ... it's so heartwarming when they wave a little hello. Take care, and REST!!!

Jess said...

Hello from Minnesota!
I just love your Christmas card, great job as always! Sounds like you are doing great. We are trying to get use to the cold. It is actually warm this weekend in the high 30's.
We can't wait to come back to Arizona in another few weeks, maybe we can get together and scrapbook or just chat,

Julie said...

Love Your Christmas card!! You kidos are so darling!
Glad to see you blogging!
Happy Holidays!
Julie WhiteWater