Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas break

That's the cool thiing about homeschooling. I can wake up today and decide today, we will begin our Christmas break. YAAHHHOOO!! Time to bake some cookies. My Christmas cards go out in the mail today, I am going shopping with "santa" tomorrow night, and then I think we will be ready!

I wasn't sure what pic to post today so I thought this one of G was really cute. He is such a sweet guy and has been such a blessing to his daddy and I from the very beginning.
Hope you have a wonderful day.


Shelby said...

yay for Christmas break! My kids get out of school tomorrow :)

Missy Glave said...

Just look at the cutie little face. I bet if you touched him at that very moment, you would have gotten the shock of your life ... lol. Christmas break sounds like fun ... now bring on the cookie baking!