Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cheers to old friends!

Yesterday I got a call from an old friend, Sue-zee-que! It was so nice to hear from her. For me, the sign of a true friend is one where you haven't talked for some time and you pick up the phone and it's like no time has passed. It was so great talking to you Sue. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

So tonight Paul and I are going to try to finish up some Christmas shopping. It's really chilly this week so it feels kind of Christmas-y here. Last week our high was 89 degrees. Yikes! I think we'll head to the mall and grab a Peppermint Cocoa from Starbuck's. Thanks Cat for the tip. :0)

Hope you have a fantastic and fun today!

1 comment:

Missy Glave said...

Woo Hoo ... Peppermint Cocoa & cooler weather ... mmmm ... it's beginning to FEEL a little like Christmas isn't it? I hope you and Paul had a lovely time shopping for your kiddos!! Your family is so sweet!