Monday, November 27, 2006

Off he goes.......

About 3 months ago we adopted our newest addition to our family. His name is Evander. He is a rottie/ boxer mix. We think he is right around a year old. He is so sweet and lovable. He is just fantastic with the kids. But.....given the chance......he loves to run away. Paul and I were putting up the Christmas lights outside while the kids were watching a movie. Well, one of the kids opened the backdoor and Evander got in. Not a big deal right? Well then one of the other kids opened the front door to check on Paul and I. Evander bolted out the door and was gone. Poor Paul chased after him in flip flops for at least 20 minutes. I was shocked to see him return with Evander! Paul said he had been chasing him and all of the sudden Evander turned around and ran home. A little blessing from God I suppose. It's so hard to be mad at this cute little face isn't it???

1 comment:

Missy Glave said...

Evander is such a cutie!! Maybe once he gets more familiar with his new home he will not run away anymore. Or ... if he does, he will come straight back home. He's such a pretty doggie!!