Thursday, October 30, 2008

Where we've been...

It is just crazy how fast the days seem to go by right now. Between school, household chores and a very busy 1 year old our days fill up pretty quick. I wanted to add a few pics today and I realized I have been seriously slacking in the picture taking department. I did find a few to share though but I'll save those for the end. :)

Christmas is less than 2 months away. Can you believe it? We have already started to plan out some gifts for family. Cathy and I are doing family gifts for each other this year. This will help ease the financial aspect on both of us. I am going to work on a digital scraphook for her family. They are a beautiful and fun family so this will be an easy task. :) I might do a book for my mom too. My dad (and myself) are big Tony Stewart fans and he will be changing cars next season. So this will be a great time to grab some cool new Tony gear for my dad. :)

This is his old #20

We are going to miss you #20
Here is the new Old Spice #14
We think it's pretty cool! By the way Cathy, we hope you enjoy all these lovely pics.
Cathy is the only a Jeff Gordon fan. :)

As promised a few pics of our fab 5.
This was taken at the park for our P.E. day :)
Here is one of Preston practicing his left turns. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!!! How was your birthday? Good to see you back!