Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cheers to old friends!

Yesterday I got a call from an old friend, Sue-zee-que! It was so nice to hear from her. For me, the sign of a true friend is one where you haven't talked for some time and you pick up the phone and it's like no time has passed. It was so great talking to you Sue. Thank you so much for thinking of me.

So tonight Paul and I are going to try to finish up some Christmas shopping. It's really chilly this week so it feels kind of Christmas-y here. Last week our high was 89 degrees. Yikes! I think we'll head to the mall and grab a Peppermint Cocoa from Starbuck's. Thanks Cat for the tip. :0)

Hope you have a fantastic and fun today!

Monday, November 27, 2006

Off he goes.......

About 3 months ago we adopted our newest addition to our family. His name is Evander. He is a rottie/ boxer mix. We think he is right around a year old. He is so sweet and lovable. He is just fantastic with the kids. But.....given the chance......he loves to run away. Paul and I were putting up the Christmas lights outside while the kids were watching a movie. Well, one of the kids opened the backdoor and Evander got in. Not a big deal right? Well then one of the other kids opened the front door to check on Paul and I. Evander bolted out the door and was gone. Poor Paul chased after him in flip flops for at least 20 minutes. I was shocked to see him return with Evander! Paul said he had been chasing him and all of the sudden Evander turned around and ran home. A little blessing from God I suppose. It's so hard to be mad at this cute little face isn't it???

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What's Cooking???

So, today I hope to get all of my turkey day cooking/baking done.
Here's my contributions for this year.
Brocoli and cheese casserole
Cranberry nut mold
Herb and cheese crackers- this was a recipe from Paula Dean's sons. I made them last year and they are so easy and soooooo yummy.

Black Friday is less than 48 hours away. WOW! I am trying to decide between the Vsmile or Leapster systems. WalMart has a great deal on the Vsmile but I'm thinking we might get more use out of the Leapster. Well, at least these are fun decisions to make.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. We as a country have so much to be thankful for. God bless you all!!!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Is it really almost Thanksgiving?

WOW, has this year gone by so fast or what. I can't believe we are already into the holidays. I think being in AZ makes it a little tougher to get into the spirit of things too. Our temps are still well into the 80's so no chance of flurries on turkey day here. Nothing like eating a big turkey dinner and then going for a nice swim. LOL
Last week we took a fall break from school. It was nice to have our days a little carefree. The girls just finished their ice skating and dance classes. They really enjoyed the ice skating as did Mom and Dad watching.
We also went and had our first ultrasound of our newest addition. We are nervous and excited and pray that this little one is a keeper for us. :0) We are not going to find out the sex this time either. For the first time we really don't care if it's a girl or a boy.......we just want a healthy baby to bring home. :) We figured being the 6th baby we have to shake things up a little bit. So if you think of it please keep our little one in your prayers.
Hey, have a fantastic day today! :0) Heidi