Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Doesn't even compare

This morning I was feeling overwhelmed with some money issues. i was really wrestling with the frustration of having mroe month than money.Staring your morning off with 2 calls about payments being due prompted this struggle. It's not medical bills or car repairs that have caused us these problmes but just irresponsible overspending. This is something Paul and I have struggled with for the better part of our marriage. We have made huge striedes but still have muh work to do.
So I was feeling quite sorry for myself for the place we are at financially and so I went surfing for awhile. Quickly I found the blog a fellow MFW user/blogger who had just lost her precious baby boy during her 20th week of pregnancy. (For those who don't know, we lost our little boy Carter during the 23rd week of pregnancy in Feb '06) So her blog touched a nerve and I began reading her previous posts. Then I cm accross a post with the Casting Crowns song "Praise you in this storm". Thsi has been what Paul and I call our "Carter Song" since shortly after we lost him. The words are incredible and completely describe how I felt/feel.
After watching the video and of course shedding more tears, I realized how I was really missing the mark this morning. Sure, money is tight and it is frustrating but GOD is BIGGER! Hasn't he proved that to me? He scooped me up and carried me in His arms when we lost Carter, will he not walk with us through this as well? This struggle does not even compare to ANY we have already faced. Yes, Paul and I have made mistakes to cause this but God is still here. He will provide in ways we NEED and I know that. He showed me that yesterday when a neighbor showed up at our door with 5 stunningly beautiful dresses for the girls to wear this winter. Amazing how in 24 hours I could let myself doubt Him.
I am beyonf blessed to call myself a child of God, his child.

Here is the video if you would like to watch it. :0)


Anonymous said...

Hi Heidi! Thanks for your sweet comment. I am so sorry for the loss of your baby too. Thank you for sharing your story, and offering your help and encouragement.

We have been struggling in the money area lately too. My husband works in an industry that used to be great, but isn't so great right now! We had a good amount of savings but at the end of this spring/begginning of summer, BOTH of our cars (which are paid off) needed repair after repair after repair. Once one car was fixed the next one was broke, and back and forth they went to the mechanic for a couple of months! It was very discouraging and frustrating, and it completely drained our savings. But just like you mentioned, God always provides for us. Just a couple weeks ago a family member handed us a rather large (to us) check, and said they wanted to help with our hospital/medical expense - that was such an unexpected blessing, and God providing as He always does. This is a test of our faith - to produce perseverance, and strengthen our faith in Him!! I have to remind myself that in our 7 years of marriage, God has always provided for us, and He will be faithful as He says to take care of us! A verse that is always encouraging/convicting to me in times like these is Matthew 6:25-30.

...ok, I will stop talking now that I have wrote a blog post on your blog! ;)

Mercy said...

Yep, I can relate. I wrote a post today on my regular blog (not the homeschooling one)about how this morning I couldn't move. A lot of what was going on in my mind was financial issues. Dealing with another Christmas where we just don't have much to put into it. I also posted a YouTube video today taht God put in my path to speak to me. Come over if you get a chance to check it out. :-)

Take Care,