Monday, June 11, 2007

Ok......I can do this

So I had a mini breakdown on Saturday night. After shedding many tears I came to the realization that I am exhausted. It's like everything just hit me at once. I knew Paul was going back to work in 2 days and had no idea how I was going to handle all 5 kids! Any other time that I have had a baby I feel pretty fantastic quite soon after. But with Preston it has been really different and difficult. Having a csection and then spending the next 2 weeks after going to and from the hospital was a lot. Then finally bringing him home but then getting used to his monitor that beeps....a lot. Then trying to make sure I am spending enough time with all my babies. Wishing I felt up to do the cleaning that I know needs to be done. Wishing I was in the kitchen pulling freshly baked chocolate chip cookies out of the oven while a roast simmers in the crock pot. But I am tired and I am lucky to get the necessites of a day in.

Today is a much better day. The sun is brighly shining in my world today. Which is kind of ironic as it is really overcast today and a chance of rain. But, I love rainy days so that just adds to my day. Our 5 month old pug is getting the hang of potty training. AMEN! and yes Mother the boys will be NEXT! :0)

Today, I feel like I am going to be able to handle it all. I am getting used to the monitor. In fact this morning I was changing Preston and it went off and didn't even scare me. SO HA! It's pretty funny that me who LOVES to scare people can get so riled myself. I am very blessed and thankful today. It's amazing when you try to handle your life on your own how much easier and enjoyable it is when you surrender the reigns to the rightful owner. I am drawing from the unfailing strength that only God can give. What an awesome God!

PS and a few new pics of P!

1 comment:

Missy Glave said...

Oh my gosh!! I did not realize your newest little one had arrived. I'm so, so sorry I havent' been by for a blog visit lately.

Congratulations White Family!!

He is so beautiful ... and I just KNOW you are doing an amazing job. I can imagine how you might be feeling a little overwhelmed ... just take a deep breath and everything will work itself out.

We love you guys!!
M & G